"Life grants nothing to us mortals without hard work". Horace

I was born in 1967 in Livorno. Then moved to Florence. Then to Trieste (I won a scholarship at international school United World College of the Adriatic). Then to Milan were I got a degree in economics at Bocconi University.


I started my professional life working for Unicredit but banking was definitely not my future. I was therefore employed in the International Department of the Eurisko (now GFK) Group as a Junior Qualitative Researcher. There I learnt the basics of market research.


After these experiences, I have been employed for three years by the Commercial Office of the Norwegian Embassy (Norges Eksportråd) dealing with the process of internationalization of Norwegian companies. In this position I had to coordinate the effort of export development of firms willing to face the difficult Italian context.


In 2000 I lead the start-up of the branch of a Swedish Internet company in Italy – Letsbuyit.com - as country manager. The experience was interesting but the overall European business was one of the many e-commerce dreams that in that period ended to be nightmares. After less than one year I was forced  by the International Headquarter to close the company.


Since 2001, I am working as a free-lance consultant in market research. I am co-operating with some of the most important Italian and International market research companies. My job is mostly focused on qualitative research but I gained experience in client management and in international coordination.

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